Sign-up for Nine SNOCs for 2019-2020 Fall Semester


SNOCs are GNAM Online Courses for-credit courses offered remotely and online by a member school and open to students from the whole network, targeted only to high-performing MBA students enrolled in a business school member of GNAM.

We are pleased to inform that there will be NINE SNOCs (Small Network Online Courses, SNOCs) available for 2019-2020 Fall Semester! Course details including syllabus of each course for August to December 2019 have been posted on the Global Network website. Four of the courses that will be offered are new ones. Please also refer to the SNOCs information in table format for your easy reference.userfiles/upload/f20190704163555885.pdf

Attached also for your reference are tentative syllabi.

SYLLABI (Nine Attachments)










Warm reminders:

1) Students should look up the course details and check the timing of classes in your own time zones to be sure that the course will fit your schedules before you apply;

2) Students who are interested in the courses shall contact the IMBA office first by sending your CV together with your statement of interest to by July 10 noon 12:00 pm (check your availability and fitness for the courses carefully. Name your file with your LastName_FirstName_Program) and we will have a pre-screening for all applicants. Final course admissions decisions will be sent to student applicants and in August by GNAM.

3) Students successfully completing each course will receive a grade and a certificate of completion by the school offering the course. Please also note that the GNAM courses will be counted as credits into Renmin’s MBA program. Teamwork is an important aspect of the GNAM Courses. Students who quit the GNAM course halfway will fail the course with Fail shown on Renmin’s MBA transcript.