Applications Open for 37 SNOCs of 2024 Fall Semester


SNOCs are GNAM Online Courses for-credit courses offered remotely and online by a member school and open to students from the whole network, targeted only to high-performing MBA students enrolled in a business school member of GNAM.

We are pleased to inform that there will be 37 SNOCs (Small/Select Network Online Courses, SNOCs) available for 2024 Fall Semester. Course details including syllabus of each course from August to December 2024 have been posted on the Global Network website. 85% of SNOCs, with a typical class size around 30, are business school electives with limited spaces reserved for GNAM students. Please also refer to the SNOCs information in table format below for your easy reference.

SNOCs Offering Info: SNOCs-Table-Fall 2024  

SNOC Course Syllabi:  Syllabi 1- (A-I) 2024Syllabi 2- (L-W) 2024

Application Procedures:

  1. Pay close attention to the course schedule, syllabus and your timezone; apply for only courses that you are interested in and can fit into your schedules;
  2. Be prepared to upload an English CV and write a brief one-paragraph statement of interest;

                English CV & Statement of Interest Samples: Sample 1; Sample 2; Sample 3

  1.  Submit your application by completing the Form. (

Application Deadline: 16th June 2024 (The Application Form will be closed at 23:59 sharp.)

Info/Answers to SNOC FAQs        


  1. PLEASE look up the course details (timezone, syllabus, topics etc.) and check the timing of classes in your own time zone very carefully to make sure that the course will fit your schedules before you apply. We want to be able to offer seats to students who are truly interested and committed to the courses. It is disappointing to see a student drop a course for a foreseeable reason.
  2. You will not be able to apply for other international programs/projects if you drop the SNOC after getting accepted with foreseeable reasons or without legitimate reasons.
  3. Applying only one SNOC is recommended, and no more than two courses. (Additional applications-it’s the case of the 2nd SNOCs choice-will be accepted if courses are not full after ROUND 1 application)
  4. First time applicants will need to pass the pre-selection if required (please wait for official notice from the MBA office). Students passed the pre-selection will be contacted by the MBA office to give the application link and name and address of the school administrator who will be cc’ed on the auto-response to student applications.
  5. MBA students are granted to transfer 2 credits for one SNOC as an elective. Students successfully completing each course will receive a grade and a certificate of completion by the school offering the course and contacted by the IMBA Office to direct how to apply for credit transfer.
  6. Teamwork is an important aspect of the GNAM Courses. Students who quit the GNAM course halfway will fail the course with Fail shown on Renmin’s MBA transcript.

Additional Info:

Current MBA students (cohort 2023 cohort) applying for the SNOCs with credit purpose will be given priority for available seats; The Part-time MBA Class of 2025 (cohort 2023) should keep in mind that you have some RMBS compulsory courses on Weekends in the Fall semester.

Contact: Wang Laoshi (Margaret)  010-62514665, Zhang Laoshi (Cathy) 010-62515699,