Exchange Programs

RMBS has signed student exchange agreements with over 80 partner institutes in North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific.

MBA students in RMBS have access to these programs each year, making it possible for them to experience in person business modes and enterprise operation under different cultures. It is particularly important for MBA students to develop business innovation awareness, global leadership and cross-culture management capabilities. The IMBA program in China also welcomes 20 exchange students from around the world each semester, contributing to RMBS’ lively, diverse student body and ensuring a global perspective in IMBA classes.

Students can apply to study abroad for one semester with no additional tuition fees.

For information on the application process, please check the website here and contact the International Relations Office

*Credits acquired abroad can be transferred back to RMBS as elective credits. Please contact Ms. Zhang Ying (Cathy) for more information.

Our Partnerships Around the World

  • Asia

    Country School Name International Accreditations City
    India Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Bangalore
    Israel Business School Administration, The Hebrew University Jerusalem
    Japan International University of Japan Niigata
    Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University Fukuoka
    Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University Tokyo
    South Korea Graduate School of China, Sungkyunkwan University Seoul
    Business School, Korea University AACSB EQUIS Seoul
    Taiwan,China College of Commerce, National Chengchi University AACSB EQUIS Taipei
    College of Management, National Taiwan University AACSB Taipei
    College of Management, National Cheng Kung University AACSB 台南
    School of Management, Tamkang University Xinbei
    Turkey College of Administrative Sciences and Economics & Graduate Business School, Koc University Istanbul
  • Europe

    Country School Name International Accreditations City
    Belgium Louvain School of Management, Université Catholique de Louvain EQUIS Louvain la Neuve
    Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven EQUIS Leuven
    Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles EQUIS AMBA Brussels
    Denmark Business School and Social Sciences, Aarhus University AACSB EQUIS AMBA Aarhus
    Finland Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vaasa Vaasa
    Hanken School of Economics AACSB EQUIS AMBA Helsinki
    Tampere University of Technolgoy Tampere
    FRANCE EDHEC Business School AACSB EQUIS AMBA lille, Nice
    France (main campus) ESCP Europe AACSB EQUIS AMBA Paris (+London, Madrid, Berlin, Turin)
    France IAE AIX Graduate School of Management, Aix-Marseille Université EQUIS AMBA Aix en Provence
    IESEG Business School, Université Catholique de Lille EQUIS AACSB Lille, Paris
    IINSEEC Business School EMBA MBA and Excecutive MBA at IUM-INSEEC Monaco 3 main campuses: Paris, Bordeaux and Chambéry (Alpes Savoie)
    Germany Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Tübingen Tübingen
    WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management AACSB EQUIS AMBA Vallendar (Koblenz)
    Business School and Economics, Freie Universitaet Berlin Berlin
    Ireland Smulfit Graduate Business School, University College Dublin AACSB EQUIS AMBA Blackrock
    Italy SDA Bocconi, Bocconi University AACSB EQUIS AMBA Milan
    Netherlands Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, VU University Amsterdam Amsterdam
    Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiteit van Amsterdam EQUIS Amsterdam
    Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University AACSB EQUIS AMBA Rotterdam
    Business School and Economics, Maastricht University AACSB EQUIS AMBA Maastricht
    School of Ecnomics and Management, Tilburg University AACSB Tilburg
    Portugal Nova Business School and Economics,Universidade Nova de Lisboa Equis, CEMS, ACSB, AMBA Lisbon
    Russia Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University EQUIS AMBA St. Petersburg
    South Africa Graduate Business School, University of Cape Town AACSB EQUIS AMBA Cape Town
    Sweden Business School, Umea University EQUIS Umea
    Switzerland Business School Lausanne Chavannes
    Geneva School of Economics and Management, Université de Genève AACSB EQUIS AMBA Geneva
    UK Management School, Lancaster University AACSB EQUIS AMBA Lancaster
  • North America & South America

    Country School Name International Accreditations City
    Canada Carleton University Ottawa
    School of Management, University of Laval AACSB EQUIS Quebec City
  • Oceania

    Country School Name International Accreditations City
    Australia Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle AACSB EQUIS AMBA Newcastle
Student Testimonials